ya, that's right... i didn't know you could do that before.
I'm actually amazed at how much of a diference it makes.
see that? Much better. Not that you had seen any of my photography before...but I guess you'll just have to take my word for it.
It's better.
by allot.
So the other day I was trying to give my sister a makeover (she refuses to let me photograph her if i don't give her a makeover first... i worry about that kid sometimes) and she was in a mood... let me tell you. If anyone else heard her they probably would have been sincerely offended. Someday I will share some of her humor with you, but please put off reading it until you are in a good mood. Just a tip. I think i might just start posting a picture and a quote every day from her.
Anway... about half way through the makeover she put her hands in front of her face and said "oh... wait wait. One more condition. You have to put these pictures up on your blog and on facebook so everyone will comment on how beautiful i am"
haha so here you go zandy. On my blog and my fb page.
I will seriously never get tired of taking pictures of this kids eyes. They are GORGEOUS.
Also,she is pretty much the only one in my family that let's me take pictures of her.
but don't tell her that... she thinks she's just special :P
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