But I'm just here doing nothing, while everyone else is busy doing stuff.
Which is a problem because when i'm bored I eat. and get fat... which just makes me more depressed.
I think if i stopped looking at the world through my camera lens and actually tried to make some friends that would solve the problem...
Ha. like that's ever going to happen.
So instead i'm just going to sit here and feel sorry for myself.
Actually, I'm going to make a list of things that make me happy.
(not in any particular order)
1. Baby animals
(This is a picture of our geese about a month ago when we first got them)
2. This picture, idk why but whenever I see it I just smile :)
3. Pretty eyes. Seriously... I'm creepy about eyes haha.

4. Facebook friend requests. If people knew how excited I get when I get a friend request, or a notification... or anything really they would probably like all my stuff.
or they would get creeped out and unfriend me.
ya... probably the second one.
5. Food. These are my dad's fresh blueberry scones.
Best. Things. Ever.
no joke
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